Tuesday, March 13, 2012

There's Life and then there's Livin'!

We, the Darling Rebecca and I, recently went on a trip to another land. It was a strange land where time itself had no real bearing on the events of the day. It was reminiscent of the movie "Ground Hog Day" you know the one with Bill Murray. Every day began and ended the same way. Welcome to Belmont, Mississippi!
Shower, read the paper (all 6 pages), drink coffee, watch the "Weather Channel" with the sound turned off and wonder how do we kill off this one, the day I mean.
The days ended with us trying to avoid another "home cooked meal", then brandy (imported from Tupelo), a book and more brandy then bed.
The only thing that changed was the late middle of each day, after coffee we load up the car and it's off to?
Today it's  Tupelo, birth place of  "THE KING" Elvis Aron Presley! But just as important to us; it is the closest place to Belmont to get a drink!
I have never thought of myself as a drunkard or a sot but I gotta tell ya that I do like my wine with dinner and my brandy before bed. Every day it seemed we would wind up in one part or another of Tupelo, which is not always a bad thing, you can find some rare foods there like the elusive English Muffin (Belmont has very little "imported" foods) or the "Bunny Mallows"

Thank goodness we had the proper bait to ketch them bunnies... "Strawberry Mallows"!

After feasting on mallows its "Time for a libation" says I. So off to the local Bar-B-Que joint for some beers and BB-Q, 

but something is missing...

there ain't no beer here! And me with my nifty new bottle opener too,

I do declare you will never find a place that, at the same time, makes it so easy and yet, impossible to get  a drink!
I can't wait for tomorrow! I wonder what we will do?