Monday, December 6, 2010


So I'm getting things ready to do a Sauce demo ( ) and I find I am out of gallon Baggies that I use to marinate the meat, chicken thighs and pork steaks, so I scoot on down to the grocery store and get another box. So far so good.
I put the chicken in one of the bags and pour in THE MARINADE, that's when I find out that the baggie will not close. It seems that when it was made the "zip-lock" parts didn't line up so they would not zip! So now I have this gallon baggie FULL of boneless skinless chicken thighs and MARINADE that I  can't close. Because the baggie has a pointed bottom it can't stand up so I fumble around in the drawers for a bowl big enough to handle gallon of parts.
This is when I find out that ALL OF THE BAGGIES ARE THE SAME! None of them will close. Well it's back to the grocery store, though this time it is a different one, for more baggies.
Now that I have all of my parts in their baggies and ready for the big show at Oliver's Market, who are now carrying THE SAUCE and THE MARINADE, I can get on the net and see what GLAD has to say about my problem.
I sent them a note about the 'one gallon zip-lock storage bags' that would not close and their reply was a clue that this would not bode well...

October 7, 2010
Reference Number: 6333422
Dear Mr. Sartain,
Thank you for contacting us about your Glad Freezer Bags. We always appreciate hearing from our customers. 

We're sorry to hear about your experience with our product. Please be assured that this is very unusual and we would not expect this to occur. We are happy to send a coupon and you should receive it within 7-10 business days. We certainly hope you will continue to use and have confidence in our products. 

Again, thank you for contacting us. 

Amelia Miller
Consumer Response Representative
Consumer Services

OK they're talking 'freezer bags' and I'm talking 'storage bags' I can live with that, so low and behold a week or so later I received a letter from The Clorox Sales Company repeating their sorrow over my dilemma and please find the coupon for "1 box GLAD Twist-Tie Food Storage Bags 1gal up to 100 ct". This was less than I was expecting as, if I wanted twist tie storage bags I would go over to the produce section and get as many as I wanted! 
Well I sent them a response to the coupon...

This is kinda funny. I sent an email about a box of 1 gal zip-lock storage bags that wouldn't close, the zip strips didn't line up. I then received an e-mail about the Freezer bag problem, no big deal, I then received a coupon for a box of "Twist-Tie Food Storage Bags". That's great except I don't use them I use the zip-lock kind! Can you fix this?
Thank-you for your time, Jim 

A couple of days later I got another email from Amelia:

Reference Number: 6333422
Dear Mr. Sartain,
Thank you for contacting us about your Glad Freezer Bags. We always appreciate hearing from our consumers.

I apologize.  I can and I will!  You can expect to receive the right coupon in the next 7-10 business days.  I accept total blame as I enclosed the wrong coupon.  I am sorry that you had to email me back. Have a great Thanksgiving! 
Again, thank you for contacting us.
Amelia Miller
Consumer Response Representative
Consumer Services

Still hung up on those Freezer bags But I feel good that this game is almost over.
Well today I got another letter from the Clorox Sales Co.

November 18,2010

Reference Number: 6333422

Dear Mr. Sartain,

Thank you for contacting us about your Glad Freezer Bags. We always appreciate
hearing from our customers.

We're sorry to hear about the zipper not lining up correctly. Please be assured that this is
very unusual and we would not expect this to occur. We are happy to enclose a coupon
for reimbursement. We certainly hope you will continue to use and have confidence in 
our products.
Again, thank you for contacting us.

Amelia Miller
Consumer Response Representative
Consumer Services
Enclosure: Coupon

Inside there was a coupon for:
1 box GLAD Zipper Freezer Bags any size up to 50ct

Should I tell them the original box was 100?

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