Tuesday, April 23, 2013

A Gift From the Garden

A while back I wrote a piece about a wonderful morning in the garden. Since then The Darling Rebecca and I have taken a creative writing class. We decided to revisit the story using what we learned in class. click (here) to go to the original post, enjoy.

I wandered out to the garden on one of those perfect mornings. The temperature was just right; the breeze was barely strong enough to spread the bouquet of new blossoms around the garden. I watered the berry bushes while Jack, the feline ruler of the garden,rolled around
in my path aiming for a belly rub. 

The steam from my coffee, still hot in the mug, wafted up slowly and mingled with the scent of the roses. A hummingbird zipped by on its way to a breakfast of fuchsia nectar. Some mornings are very special indeed.
Jack complained loudly when I inadvertently squirted him. Deciding the front porch was a better place to spend His morning, he left in a huff. The peace of the morning was restored; it was then I heard a faint droning sound, like the buzz of a small electric fan, coming out the loganberries. A pair of beady little eyes grabbed a sneak peak from behind a berry leaf. Another cautious inch and out slipped a tiny female Anna's Hummingbird.
It’s no surprise to have hummers in the yard as they frequent the feeders scattered about the property.  It was what happened next that made me all warm and fuzzy.
I stood motionless as she floated over toward the shower nozzle of my hose. She hovered, looked at the water, turned towards me and then back at the water. Feeling no threat, she relaxed and proceeded to take a shower! She fluttered into the spray feet first, rinsing them in the sprinkles, floating up and then dipping back down again. Frozen, I watched as she wiggled her toes in the spray.
Toes finished - she dipped a little lower to allow the water to cascade over her tail-feathers. She fluttered a slow pirouette to make sure all the feathers were washed.

She then zipped off to the nearby crepe myrtle tree. It must be time for a bit of personal grooming, I thought.  

Now I’ve always had an affinity with birds and they seem to know they are safe around me. Even so, what happened next was extraordinary. She came back to continue her bath. She cautiously poked her head into the sprinkles and then moved all the way in to let the water flow over her completely.
I held my breath as she then flew to study the nozzle of my hose. She darted in and out trying very hard to find a perch. (The design of their feet makes it impossible for a hummingbird to walk or stand on a flat surface. They need to wrap their toes around a branch to rest.)

The nozzle I use, robbed from old Miracle Grow sprayer,
is bit large for a roost and it took her a few seconds to find a way to get the proper grip. Once on, she sat there for a few fleeting moments before continuing her bath. She flitted in and out of the flow of water a couple more times and then went back into the crepe myrtle to do a thorough chore of feather realignment.

I’m reminded again and again that it’s the little things that make life so satisfying, the moments which can make each day warm and special.  Be it the joy of a favorite-forgotten song playing on the radio, the pleasure of being able to help a little kid retrieve a can off the top shelf at the market, or being privileged to help a lady with her bath.  

To quote Ferris Bueller; “If you’re not careful, you’ll miss it.”

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

you are a most special and wonderful man, Mr Toons.